I like to ask my students what they would like to learn from me as we start each school year and many times they are interested in American students and the culture of American school life. I was able to make a connection with an American school in New York State who has an international club and likes to meet with and learn from other students around the world. We made our connection and first meetings via an online school platform where the students could meet and ask each other questions. We then arranged a live online meeting so the students could interact and ask questions. We think it was an invaluable opportunity for students to see that even though their school culture may be different, in many ways they are alike.
Dolores Huhn, native speaker
10 kwietnia 2024 roku klasy dwujęzyczne spędziły ćwicząc język angielski podczas spotkania online z amerykańską szkołą w stanie New York. Pomimo różnicy czasowej nasi licealiści i licealiści z USA mogli porozmawiać ze sobą na różne tematy (rozmawiali o różnicach kulturowych, o tym czy chcą odwiedzić Polskę, o edukacji…). Wszyscy byli podekscytowani i gdyby nie fakt, że nasi amerykańscy rówieśnicy spieszyli się na lekcje to nasze spotkanie trwałoby bardzo długo!
A teraz spójrzcie co o naszych uczniach napisał Sean, nauczyciel z Fonda-Fultonville High School
I just wanted to thank you for a great conference! It was one of the best we’ve had! Your students were so friendly and spoke English so well. They are an impressive group of young people! The English teaching staff at your school are definitely doing an amazing job!