Szkoła Podstawowa

Adaptacja kulturowa

WRAŻENIA UCZNIÓW KLASY I B (oddział dwujęzyczny)

Spotkanie było bardzo ciekawe. Dowiedzieliśmy się wiele nowych faktów o Zimbabwe i kulturze tego kraju. Cieszymy się, że mieliśmy okazję poznać ten kraj z perspektywy mieszkańca. Jest to bardzo dobra alternatywa do zwykłych, codziennych lekcji języka angielskiego. Ich kultura różni się od naszej, na przykład Gary opowiadał o opuszczaniu głowy przy rozmowie z dorosłymi w jego kraju i gdy przyjechał do Polski było to dla niego szokujące, że my utrzymujemy kontakt wzrokowy podczas rozmowy z osobami, które są starsze od nas.  

Lena Łukawska, Gabrysia Kulza

We found it interesting and shocking that trains in Zimbabwe took really long to get to places. Gary said that train trips in his country take almost all day however in Poland it is totally different. We also were found it intriguing the Zimbabwe on the map looks like a teapot. We also found it strange that when talking to someone who is older you are supposed to look down in order to show respect instead of making eye contact. Antek Kołeczek, Błażej Rozmus   

Gary’s presentation was really interesting and engaging. We were amazed by his country’s natural beauty and culture. He definitely opened our eyes when he talked about cultural differences between Poland and Zimbabwe.
Mateusz Leja
Milan Zając-Łukasiewicz

Thanks to the presentation we learned fascinating facts about Zimbabwe. It was interesting to listen to Gary mentioning cultural differences between the countries. He has really funny stories about living in Poland. He showed us some amazing and beautiful places in Zimbabwe, for example Victoria Falls.
Mateusz Głuszak, Wiktor Trębacz, Tomasz Pelc  

We liked how he talked about his country and their country. We got to hear a person speaking with a different accent. We also were interested in the way he talked about his experiences in Poland. His presentation was amazing and he seemed like a nice person. He encouraged us to visit his country.
Inga Błachowicz, Kamila Kopacz